Saturday, August 30, 2008

Holiday - Finale - part1

fifteen was fantastic, no fat duck not even close obviously, but it was still a great meal and a very pleasant experience, great location and the staff are fantastic, very happy we went. toddled down to the beach for beers and a customary beach pee, met some night fisherman and watched some dudes with torches miles away doing something which we are still not sure what? looked like they were picking something up off the beach but what I will never know.

spent the last couple of days juts enjoying the scenery, hit a place called Constantine bay which was just brilliant really enjoyed it, spent the day yesterday packing up the tent dipped into Newquay for a farewell pasty and then set off on our way home, traffic was abysmal, we did 55miles in about 2hrs we stopped off for a burger king at the services and then crawled home, got to see a motor home that looked like it had exploded, all the back left corner was blown out revealing the chintzy wall paper and curtains within.

anyway that pretty much closes this short chapter of my life, some more pictures to upload when I get the phones and camera unpacked from the mountain of stuff in my car.

its been a fantastic week, I have done nothing but enjoy some amazing scenery and had chance to reflect on what it's all about really, not sure I got any answers as such but I do feel more at peace with not knowing and looking forward to the future and what it may hold.

next holiday is a long weekend in London for the NFL international series game around the 26th october.

think I will keep on blogging its a good excuse to do stuff so I have something to blog about (how backwards is that :) )

ta ta for now little blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very fine......