Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Rogue Trooper

started this game tonight, first impressions are its good, Lucky Gonk put me onto this one, apparently it got some high praise on rllmuk and as such had peaked his interest, I hadnt really any experience of the story of rogue trooper I used to buy 2000 AD as a kid from time to time, but was more into other stuff really, Judge Dredd and A.B.C warriors

back to Rogue

the game has opened with a good intro to the clone/gene troops, feel a little unsure as to who it is or why it is that I am fighting, they are called norts?? I know this much and thats about it, german or eastern european sounding soldiers and some hints of nazi but I guess that is nothing new, the pace is just about spot on for my liking, I find games with tons of cinematics at the beginning frustrating, I paid £X or spent Y hrs downloading this, I want to play now, not after a tv episode.

but rogue does it well, and gameplay shocker uses the game itself to unfold the story, the chips with the "soul" of your fallen comrades is cool, and based on the fact that gunnar is now in my gun and bagman is in my bag, I have little hope for the rescue mission for a fellow trooper called helm who I am now on my way to rescue from a naval base, especially when on the last little intermission I noticed a familiar vacant shape in the front of my helmet.

the ammo kit concept of using your bag to refine salvage from the battle field is truly great, gone is the feeling of I just need some smg bullets and all i am getting is revolver ammo, I can see this winning out in the later stages, as it is a frustration I hadnt even really noticed until now. however all shooters from this day on are going to upset me if they dont steal this mechanic, its great because its totally acceptable, infact more so than killing somone and them having bags of ammo on them.

thats all i have to say for now, will post more of an impression when I have got further in, it is 100% fun so far.

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