Tuesday, May 02, 2006

a new hopeless

how sad am I starting a blog, its just a diary, for my benefit really, will list my gaming habits and thoughts everything a web diary should be.

so we start with first days of may, just turned 28 and things are pretty good, ellen is about to graduate from uni and work is going ok, apart from sharepoint, users, and computers, people here are a great bunch on the whole and we all get on well, which is 90% of the battle in my experience.

gaming, my 360 is the no 1 source of time drain at present although animal crossing and my DS are never to far from my hands, AC is truly a wonder, I am not doing anything to collect the stuff, its just a scavenger hunt and it totally pre determined by the game, but its just fun, even though I know really its mundane, but for whatever reason I just keep coming back. Oblivion rules the lions share of time on 360, so much stuff to do and see, and its pretty and well put together, auto saves chap my ass, but other than that its perfection.

Halo2 still features both on my old xbox and 360 BC, as does forza, the WFC has really drawn me back to this racing sim, I need to get my fanatech wheel sorted aswell, it really is a wonder that this game does not get the kudos it deserves.

keen member of the Mookismo clan which I guess is a subdivison of the synical world of rllmuk.

mooks are a happy bunch though and we all get on pretty well.

anyway popping off to do some work now, will be back when i have little else to say.

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