Wednesday, August 15, 2007


felled by the 70-291, and by one simulation, needed 700 and I got 636 discussed it with my tutor he said the sims on average are worth 100pts so I was CLOSE but no cigar, re taking th exam in the afternoon tomorrow then I have three on the bounce, friday, saturday and sunday, then I get to come home, I will either be an MCSA or an MCSE however right now I am focused on the MCSE failure is not an option.

absolutely the hardest thing I have ever done but the challenge is a good thing and makes me feel great about getting the exams passed.

Looking forward to the journey home sunday night, the end is almost in sight.


Anonymous said...

Call the tutor/exam dude a noob and then brick on his desk. Instant pass.

Robojeebus said...
