Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Phantasy star universe:
First Impressions

This game is addictive, but why? it is essentially the most boring game ever made, but it isn't boring at all, it is an enigma.

on paper this games is so simple, walk up to unit press the same button 10, 100, 1000 times depending on the opposing units level and then dodge the odd 2 dimensional attack and eventually the opposing unit will die, then move onto the next unit and repeat until all the units in the room are dead and that triggers a key spawn, to let you into the next room, to repeat again.

that's pretty much it, ok you gain levels and earn the right to go to higher level rooms where the same thing happens but the chance of you dying and the amount of hits required to defeat the opposing unit increase.

yet I played it all day Saturday until 3am Sunday, and then all evening Sunday until 2am monday.

I wasn't bored ever, the promise of a little cash and the level bar being tantalizingly close to full keep you playing, you have to save up and buy that sweet new gun or ability that will hopefully give you the edge and decrease the button bashing.

I have played this Friday, Saturday Sunday Monday and I am now a level 13, however already I am seeing the potential folly of my character selection, I need to seriously consider my choices for when the full game launches.

Pay to Play?

Phantasy star universe is upsetting some as it has a monthly subscription how this is to be structured is unclear at present, I had heard mumblings that it will be 800points and potentially will instead of being a traditional subscription payment will be a marketplace purchase of 30days play so you can dip in for 30 days when you want to play as opposed to signing away your wealth for eternity.

I will post more at launch