Sunday, June 11, 2006


weather is crazy its steaming hot, spent the weekend with my big bro, playing rockstar table tennis and watching the world cup, england won 3 points, who cares about the shoddy second half, get over it.

all games this weekend have been really entertaining, trinidad and tobago, mexico, and angola were great to watch and mexico could be a real suprise of the tournament I will look forward to seeing them again.

table tennis is great fun for the 360, the career mode does seem to cheat somewhat but it is great fun most of the time, the online mode is close to perfection apart from ditching your lobby at the completion of a game/tournament???

why oh why, but with any luck they will patch it as they did with cod:2

finally my thoughts on the new dash update, music continuity is 100% brilliant and makes the convergence of gaming and music a natural and very entertaining prospect.

just obtained appleseed and watched the first few opening minutes, wow and wow, great looking and action packed, will watch it all and feedback my thoughts.